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Why doing a darkroom retreat?

Recover your system, come to a profound rest and feel the light within you.

Only you, here and now. Simply 'being', meeting your self.

Attending a darkroom retreat gives you the opportunity to come back into your natural state. We all have spent the first nine months of our life in the darkness of the womb.  When we then arrive in the light of this life we are pure awareness and life flows freely.


Light and darkness are connected. Both are full of life and both essence is peace and love. By conditioning over the years we learned to avoid darkness and to try to reach the light. This brings suffering because as well light as darkness is the nature and law of life. When we embrace as well the darkness as the light within us, peace arises.

As long as we fight against darkness, against our fears and pain, we fight against life and all it's appearances.

If you can be with all that arises in you, you are in peace with yourself and everything around you. Fear is fear, anger is anger, sadness is sadness and it doesn't have to change anymore. You bring it all home within your self by meeting it. When you welcome every aspect of you, you will find hidden treasures under every feeling and emotion.

​When you attain this retreat, you will be in a complete dark room for a couple of days. This is your chance to reconnect with yourself. It is a rebirth, dropping old stories and past conditioning. Unwinding the stories you started to believe that it is you.

When you have the opportunity for a period of time to let go of your surroundings and to stop projecting yourself onto the outside world, then looking within and self-inquiry appears. By meeting and embracing every part of your self, you experience simply ‘being’. This gives  peace and a sense of unity and connection.

How much time have you made free in the last years or decades to really nourish yourself, giving your being the full attention, doing nothing, spending time with your own self ?

Darkroom retreats are well known within many spiritual traditions throughout the ages. Because it brings you to your essential being. Which  religion or spiritual path (or none of them at all) you practice is equal concerning taking part in this darkroom retreat. This retreat is for everybody who is looking for a sincere meeting with one self.

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